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bio dynamic


 Our farming practices grow from the masters who laid down a foundation of knowledge, so that in the future we could better “recognize the conditions on which the prosperity of Agriculture depends”.

Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, Rudolf Steiner, and Lilly Kolisko brought us a new spiritual scientific approach to agriculture, which acknowledges Nature's Cosmic intelligence.  Andre Voisin, Allan Savory, and our teacher Kirk Gadzia bring holistic planning to our work with the community and land. Bill Mollison and his gift of Permaculture that has inspired practitioners all over the world including our friends Terra Genesis International who used this design science  in their work with PEG. And Jerry Brunetti, Charles Walters, Joel Salatin, P.A. Yoemans, William Albrecht, and Carey Reams whose work grows our understanding of soil/plant relationships and how they can lead us to insights for creating socio-economic change. We have gratitude for many other individuals and cultures both contemporary and ancient who offer their wisdom to the world. The practices of these teachers are at the heart of PEG's work to regenerate the Land. This approach of combining Permaculture design, Holistic Management, biological soil fertility management, Keyline inspired design, and Biodynamic Agriculture as a whole, is truly an unique message for the future.  .

Rudolf Steiner's Biodynamics has become a worldwide agriculture movement that focuses on restoring the Earth's capacity to heal and regenerate. This philosophy united biological/ecological balancing, cosmic factors, and the evolution of human consciousness to create advanced insights for a new chemistry and direction for how to work with planetary rhythms, which even today are considered ahead of their time.  This work gives a never-ending story of inspiration for those seeking to understand how to work with the land in a more sacred way.


His student and collaborator Ehrenfried Pfeiffer said it best in his articles on agriculture.


“Rudolf Steiner's practical way of working did not proceed from preconceived abstract dogma, but always dealt with the concrete given facts of the situation. There was such germinal potency in his Agriculture course (also known as the Spiritual Foundations for the renewal of Agriculture) that a few sentences or short paragraph often sufficed to create the foundation for farmers, scientists or artist's whole life’s work. Only now does the total picture of the new impulse given by RS to agriculture stand clearly before us, even though we still have far to go to exhaust all its possibilities.  Every day brings new experience and opens new perspectives”.

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